Airports / Articles / Technology · 6 December, 2012

On the Aeriaa Airport Dashobard (part II). Architecture

Aeriaa Airport Dashboard

In the previous post (On the Aeriaa Airport Dashobard part I) I introduced the environment of this little demo project. I want in this post define the project scope, in order to develop the “Project Charter”

  • Aeriaa airport, principal stakeholder need an airport dashboard for viewing the status of the primary airport processes.
  • These processes (or flows) are: airplane process, passenger processes (departures and arrivals flows), baggage processes and another group (not less important) with security, power, IT, etc.
  • The dashboard will inform about the status and the future trends and affections of processes and between them.
  • Simple navigation, concise, and simplicity with data visualization.
  • We will access to the dashboad from everywhere.

Also, this dashboard will be used as source for process reengineering.

Let’s do some IT basic architecture for this project. Needings:

  • Backend:
    • Data: the data will be stored in data structures with relational model and without it. We will face both models in later posts.
    • Data distribution bus: we need an integation plaftform to distribute the data between systems, dashboard backend and the frontend.
    • Components:
      • Databases, as mentioned before, we will use schema and schemaless oriented databases.
      • Logger, a log component to store all the platforms events and issues.
      • Event processing component, it will help us in processing massive events and for detect patterns for processes analysis.
      • Process management, probably we need to run some processes to orchestate an airport process.
      • Business model logic component: this component will gather all the data, derived and analysed events, and it will put the data available for serving it to the frontend.
      • Web services: these services will act as the central point of communication between the frontend and the backend.
      • Airport systems, that serves data to our components. Systems as AODB (operational database), BHS (baggage handling system), SCADA building and facilities systems, etc.
  • Frontend:
    • Informative, beautiful, fast, usable and well designed dashboard 🙂
    • We will use cross platform technologies in order to use the dashboard everywhere and in multiple devices, but I will develop an specific app for the iPad (iOS based).

Aeriaa Basic Dashboard Architecture

In the next post about the Aeriaa Dashboard I will talk about the data and systems available for building the data components and structures.


Previous post: On the Aeriaa Airport Dashobard part I

Creative Commons License
This work by Pedro Garcia is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.